Welcome to PyPhishtankLookup’s documentation!

This is the client API for Phishtank Lookup:

Phishtank Lookup is a tool that use the hourly dump of Phishtank and allows to run queries locally.


The package is available on PyPi, so you can install it with:

pip install pyphishtanklookup


You can use pyphishtanklookup as a python script:

$ phishtank-lookup -h
usage: phishtank-lookup [-h] [--url URL]
                                                (--info | --url_query url | --urls_by_cc cc | --urls_by_ip ip | --urls_by_asn asn)

Search a URL in Phishtank Lookup.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --url URL          URL of the instance (defaults to https://phishtankapi.circl.lu/).
  --info             Info avout the instance.
  --url_query url    URL to search.
  --urls_by_cc cc    Country Code to search.
  --urls_by_ip ip    IP address to search.
  --urls_by_asn asn  ASN to search.

Or as a library:

Indices and tables